📄️ Add Message Command
Adds a message to your chat on the client side.
📄️ Alias Command
Alias Create Command
📄️ Bind Command
Bind Set Command
📄️ C Data Command
Like the data command, but readonly, client-side and supports getting item data too.
📄️ C Help Command
Exactly the same as the help command, but lists all client commands.
📄️ C Score Command
Read-only client-sided scoreboard command.
📄️ C Sys Info Command
View system information.
📄️ Calc Command
Calculates a math equation.
📄️ Deaths Command
Lists your deaths of this session.
📄️ Define Command
Search up a definition using Google Dictionary (via https://dictionaryapi.dev/).
📄️ Docs Command
Opens the requested page on these docs in your default browser.
📄️ Emulate Command
Emulate mouse or key presses. Either press a mouse or key at a given interval or hold it for
📄️ Formattings Command
Displays a book showing all formattings Minecraft has to offer.
📄️ Get Skin Command
Shows you the URL of a player's skin and, if applicable, cape.
📄️ Join Notify Command
Toggles the join notification for a given player.
📄️ Lock Look Command
Locks your eyes onto the entity you're currently looking at.
📄️ Macro Command
Executes a macro.
📄️ Map Pic Command
Takes a picture of either the map you're holding or the map you're looking at and saves it
📄️ Ptime Command
Sets your personal time or resets it.
📄️ Pweather Command
Sets your personal weather.
📄️ Rotate Command
Sets your rotation.
📄️ Score Command
Tells you your current score without having to die to see it.
📄️ Screenshot Command
Takes a screenshot of your game.
📄️ Search Command
Searches through your entire chat history to see what messages with the given query were sent.
📄️ Send Chat Command
Sends a message as a chat message, regardless of if it should be treated as a command.
📄️ Send Command
Sends a message directly to the server, bypassing any client-side checks such as client commands.
📄️ Toggle Option Command
Toggles a boolean client option.
📄️ Urban Command
Looks up a query on Urban Dictionary.