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Info Hud

MoreCommands offers a Heads-Up Display that can display a lot of information about what's going on around you in your Minecraft world.

The default key to toggle it is O and this can be changed in the Minecraft controls screen.
The config file for this HUD can be found at <minecraft directory/config/MoreCommands/infoHud.txt.


The Info HUD can display many statistics, these are inserted into the lines that you put in the config file and are formatted as {<key>}.

The keys that can be used in the config file are as follows:

  • DF: default formatting, gold by default, but can be changed with a client option or gamerule.
  • SF: secondary formatting, yellow by default, but can be changed with a client option or gamerule.
  • playerName: your player's name
  • x: your x position
  • y: your y position
  • z: your z position
  • chunkX: your chunk x position
  • chunkY: your chunk y position
  • chunkZ: your chunk z position
  • yaw: your yaw (horizontal rotation)
  • pitch: your pitch (vertical rotation)
  • biome: the biome you're in
  • difficulty: the difficulty of the world you're in. Only works on singleplayer.
  • blocksPerSec: your speed in blocks per second
  • avgSpeed: a less volatile version of blocksPerSec
  • toggleKey: the key used to toggle the HUD
  • configFile: the path of the infoHud.txt configuration file
  • facing: the direction you're facing
  • time: the current time in 24-hour format
  • time12: the current time in 12-hour format
  • UUID: your player's UUID
  • holding: the item you're holding
  • xp: your total experience points
  • xpLevel: your experience level
  • gamemode: your gamemode
  • fps: current framerate
  • blockLight: the blocklight level at your position
  • skyLight: the skylight level at your position
  • lookingAtX: the x coordinate of the block you're looking at
  • lookingAtY: the y coordinate of the block you're looking at
  • lookingAtZ: the z coordinate of the block you're looking at
  • lookingAt: the name of the block or entity you're looking at
  • language: the currently selected game language
  • lookingVecX: the exact x coordinate of the position you're looking at
  • lookingVecY: the exact y coordinate of the position you're looking at
  • lookingVecZ: the exact z coordinate of the position you're looking at
  • lookingAtSide: the side of the block you're looking at
  • entities: the amount of currently loaded entities


The Info HUD also supports a couple variables which may change how or where the text is rendered.
These variables can be set by having a single line as follows: var <variable> = <value>.

The variables currently available are as follows:

  • xOffset: the horizontal offset at which to start rendering the HUD.
  • yOffset: the vertical offset at which to start rendering the HUD.

Starting from version 4.0, you also have the following variables:

  • scale: the scale at which to render the HUD, 0.75 is default, anything below this is smaller.
  • backgroundOpacity: the opacity of the background drawn behind the HUD, 25 by default. 100 at max
  • backgroundColour: the hex colour of the background, may start with a #. Black by default
  • perLineBackground: whether the background should be drawn separately for every line or be one big block. True by default
  • decimals: the amount of decimals to use for double values. 2 by default

Example using all variables:

// Have a look at to see what variables you can use here.
var xOffset = 2
var yOffset = 2
var scale = 0.75
var decimals = 2
var backgroundOpacity = 25
var backgroundColour = #000000
var perLineBackground = true

{DF}Player: {SF}{playerName}
{DF}FPS: {SF}{fps}
{DF}X: {SF}{x}
{DF}Y: {SF}{y}
{DF}Z: {SF}{z}

{DF}Pitch: {SF}{pitch}
{DF}Yaw: {SF}{yaw}
{DF}Facing: {SF}{facing}
{DF}Biome: {SF}{biome}
{DF}Speed: {SF}{avgSpeed}


The Info HUD config also supports comments.
Any line starting with two slashes (//) is completely ignored and any part of any line after two slashes is also ignored.


// This line is ignored
{DF}Player: {SF}{playerName} // This part will not be rendered.