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Parameter Types

MoreCommands parameter use various types, below are most of them explained.


A regular piece of text, some commands only allow single words, other commands take entire sentences, and other commands (especially if more parameters follow a string parameter) may take either.
In the last case, if you wish to pass a string with spaces, the string must be in quotes.
E.g. "this is a string with spaces" or 'this string also has spaces'


A regular whole number, ranging from -2.14 billion to 2.14 billion.


A regular whole number, ranging from really large negative to really large positive. (Effectively infinity)


A floating point number, supports both whole numbers and numbers with decimals.


Same as float, but supports way larger and more precise values.


A vector of three doubles.

Entity selector

Any kind of selector with any kind of types.
E.g. @e[type=!player]


Any entity selector that only targets a single player.
E.g. @e[type=player,limit=1] (same as @a[limit=1]) or @p or @r

Player selector

Any entity selector that only targets players, but may target multiple players.

Status effect

A potion status effect, a list can be found here.

Hex int

An integer in hexadecimal format.
Between one and six digits which each can range from 0 to 9 and a to f.
Can optionally be preceded by a hashtag.

Entity type

Any type of entity, same as can be passed to the summon command.

Painting motive

Any kind of motive a painting may have. Unlikely mods add any, but for a list of vanilla ones have a look here (the resource location is what you're looking for).


A vector of three ints.

NBT Path

A path to specify what specific part of the NBT data you wish to retrieve.
For more information, have a look here.


Either one of the following formats:

  • 12-hour time ending with either am or pm. E.g. 3:30pm
  • 24-hour time not ending in anything. E.g. 15:30
  • Ticks, ranging from 0 to 24000. E.g. 9500

Any time can also start with an @-symbol, indicating that the time is fixed and mustn't change.