📄️ Barrier Command
Gives a barrier item
📄️ Break Command
Breaks the block you're looking at.
📄️ Broadcast Command
Send a message to the entire server.
📄️ Cannon Command
Fire a primed TNT entity in the direction you're looking.
📄️ Cmd Block Command
Gives a command block item
📄️ Console Command
Run a command as the console
📄️ Damage Command
Deal damage to anything and anyone.
📄️ Defuse Command
Defuse primed TNT entities and drop TNT items in their place.
📄️ Difficulty Literal Commands
Shorthands for /difficulty .
📄️ Dimension Command
Teleport to a dimension
📄️ Disable Client Command Command
Disable clients from using specific client-side commands.
📄️ Disable Client Option Command
Disable clients from using specific client options.
📄️ Disable Command
Disable a server command from being used by regular players.
📄️ Eclone Command
Clones either the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector.
📄️ Enchant Max Command
Clears the enchantments of the item you're holding and applies all non-curse enchantments at level 32767.
📄️ Explode Command
Spawns an explosion at your feet.
📄️ Extinguish Command
Extinguish you or other entities and/or players.
📄️ Fake Player Command
Fake Player Create Command
📄️ Fill Command
📄️ Fireball Command
Shoots out a fireball from your face.
📄️ Fix Command
Repairs the item you're holding.
📄️ Fly Command
Toggles the ability to fly
📄️ Gamerule Desc Command
Gives the description for the given gamerule. If the gamerule has no description,
📄️ Gm Command
Shorthands for /gamemode
📄️ God Command
Makes you invulnerable
📄️ Heal Command
Replenishes your health and saturation
📄️ Invsee Command
View and edit the inventory of a player.
📄️ Jesus Command
Enables water-walking like striders.
📄️ Jump Command
Teleports to wherever you're looking, at most 160 blocks away.
📄️ Light Command
Gives a light block item.
📄️ More Command
Sets the count of the item stack you're holding to the maximum value it may be.
📄️ Potion Command
Potion Add Command
📄️ Reach Command
Set your reach
📄️ Remove Command
Removes entities from existence. Effectively like killing them,
📄️ Rename Command
Renames the item you're holding.
📄️ Server Only Command
Toggles server-only mode.
📄️ Smite Command
Strikes lightning either wherever you're looking or at whomever you target.
📄️ Sonic Boom Command
Fires a sonic boom at whatever entity you're looking at.
📄️ Spawn Mob Command
Spawns the given amount of the given entity wherever you're looking.
📄️ Spawner Command
Sets the type of the spawner you're looking at to the given type.
📄️ Speed Command
Sets your speed of the type that's currently most appropriate
📄️ Super Pickaxe Command
Toggles superpickaxe mode, allows you to break any block instantly with any pickaxe in any gamemode.
📄️ Sys Info Command
View system information.
📄️ Time Literal Commands
Sets the time to either day or night.
📄️ Unlimited Command
Toggles your itemstack's limitability.
📄️ Vanish Command
Toggles either your vanish or the given players' vanish.
📄️ Who Is Command
Shows information such as UUID, world, ip, etc. of a player.
📄️ Wipe Out Command
Removes either any entity that's not a player or any entity in the given group.